Tag Archives: sketch

Practice, practice, practice.

11 Mar

I don’t have much to say about today’s posts except that my new love is my Prismacolor marker set. ❤

I don’t completely hate this one

1 Mar

Normally, I finish a piece and am completely disappointed in myself but I think this one isn’t a complete disaster.

Also, I would like to apologize for all of the self deprecation and what might seem as overly harsh self criticism. I acknowledge I have this problem and it is something I am actively working on when I am actively thinking about it which is actually almost never.. almost has to count for something…. right?

In case anyone is actually reading this, I would like to note that the steps in my process have changed a little (see Oct 16). I now fill in color then do the outline 🙂

Obsessions- New Sketchbook

27 Feb

I find that I am absolutely obsessed with horns, masks, animal skulls, snakes and demons/gods and what they represent…  so I began a new sketchbook to fill with just that. I wont post all of my sketches from this book as they are more personal than the rest. Also currently into:  Sigur Ros, gladiators, coffee, being tipsy in the daytime and In N Out.

An amazing short writing by Rory Wood.



random work..

25 Feb

Haven’t posted in a while. I have to keep talking myself out of deleting this whole blog because I just dont like the memory of past crap work.. But I think I am getting better and seeing the progress is the entire point so here’s some more recent stuff.. for now. x_X

On a side note: I have moved on past my comic art goal for now, it didn’t feel natural and I believe I am not technical enough for such grounds yet.  I do hope to one day return to the idea but for now admiring the works of a living art god, Mr Adam Hughes, shall suffice 🙂

Jan Sketch 2

envelope goddess


16 Nov

Recently, I have set my sights on learning comic book art so I’ve been practicing the fundamentals. I’ve been using “Drawing Cutting Edge Comics” by Christopher Hart to guide me and have found it to be pretty damn helpful.

I have never taken the time to learn the basics of drawing because, like most everyone else, I am a sucker for instant gratification. So far I have learned to use a sphere and segment lines to properly place features on a head.

And this is completely referenced from my favorite comic book artist, Adam Hughes… 🙂


10 Nov

I haven’t posted anything in a while so I decided to share pics of some of the pages within my sketchbook both old and new.. some referenced but most are not.


19 Oct

I don’t have my own “style”. I suppose(and hope) this style I am in search of will come with practice but then there is the issue of inspiration. I want to be truly inspired but it doesn’t seem likely to happen in the near future. Between the new Jackass film and my neighbors to the left, life is becoming an episode of  ‘Ow my balls’ (Idiocracy film)..

Okay, enough of my rant.. I have practiced my first Koi… To be honest, I feel i did a terrible job picking a color scheme. The koi look best in the second picture.

For this work, I used sharpies, watercolor and pencil.

16 Oct

Here is a glimpse of what my process looks like(for now).. Basically, sketch the idea, mark in the outline and add color. This one was done with graphite, sharpies, ink and watercolor.

To be honest, I am not happy with the finished product. I don’t like the way her face turned out and her tattoos suck..  I am planning on redoing it but I may just move on.

P.S. I know the pictures are crummy. I am a terrible photographer and there’s nothing I can do about it.

14 Oct

Below: The one on the left is a portrait(second attempt) of a friend who is a really amazing musician and doesn’t believe that she is but she should because she is… and she frustrates me very much .. a lot.  The one in the right is referenced from a random picture with a sexy gal. They are freehand drawings: graphite, sharpies and watercolor.. Oh, and some whiteout 😉


12 Oct

A new addition to my learning process: tracing paper.

In the past, I have always been against using  tracing paper because it made me feel like I was ‘cheating’ myself but I was recently advised by a professional tattoo artist to use it for practice. He said that by tracing I would learn the lines and curvature of any given subject and he was completely right. Since Ive began using  it my work has been more consistent. I trace a picture over and over until I get bored(about three times) then I draw it freehand.

I highly recommend this method. Try it, you’ll see. 🙂

Below is some freehand work after having practiced by tracing the original.

Pin ups

Audrey Tautou