Archive | November, 2010
16 Nov

Recently, I have set my sights on learning comic book art so I’ve been practicing the fundamentals. I’ve been using “Drawing Cutting Edge Comics” by Christopher Hart to guide me and have found it to be pretty damn helpful.

I have never taken the time to learn the basics of drawing because, like most everyone else, I am a sucker for instant gratification. So far I have learned to use a sphere and segment lines to properly place features on a head.

And this is completely referenced from my favorite comic book artist, Adam Hughes… 🙂


10 Nov

I haven’t posted anything in a while so I decided to share pics of some of the pages within my sketchbook both old and new.. some referenced but most are not.

Poison Ivy.

5 Nov

I directed my focus in a new direction, comic book art. Although what I am posting today is not comic book art at all, the idea came from it. I’ve set a new goal for myself: One piece a day. Whether it be a single sketch or a painting.

Yesterday I had an itch to paint rather than draw and I wanted to see how far I can get in one single sitting.  Not bad as far as progress is concerned, the work itself is unsatisfactory.. in other words, it sucks and I hate it. So I will just say she is not completed 😉

I used pencil, and oils on wood panel apprx 4ft x 2 ft.