Archive | September, 2010

10,000 Hours: Let me explain…

7 Sep

I understand I’m talking to myself at the moment but I believe that one day that will be overlooked for what I’m hoping to achieve with art.  I once heard something that Malcolm Gladwell said about the “10,000 Hour Rule”… Essentially it takes about 10,000 hours to master any given subject.

I’m willing to believe it.

I figure I’ve already logged about 300 hours since I took art seriously as a grade school student, so I’ll use that as the starting point.  From here I officially begin my 10,000 hours.  I will draw, review, paint, reflect,  self-critique, celebrate success, fall short, scream in frustration, smile  and just try again.  All the while I will post my progress here.

While this process is more for me than it is for you, I do hope you take something from this – so that I’m not just a loony talking to myself.

In all seriousness, if anyone ever does read this I hope my 10,000 hour journey is as insightful for you as it will be for me.
