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..color added.

11 Mar

I don’t completely hate this one

1 Mar

Normally, I finish a piece and am completely disappointed in myself but I think this one isn’t a complete disaster.

Also, I would like to apologize for all of the self deprecation and what might seem as overly harsh self criticism. I acknowledge I have this problem and it is something I am actively working on when I am actively thinking about it which is actually almost never.. almost has to count for something…. right?

In case anyone is actually reading this, I would like to note that the steps in my process have changed a little (see Oct 16). I now fill in color then do the outline 🙂

Obsessions- New Sketchbook

27 Feb

I find that I am absolutely obsessed with horns, masks, animal skulls, snakes and demons/gods and what they represent…  so I began a new sketchbook to fill with just that. I wont post all of my sketches from this book as they are more personal than the rest. Also currently into:  Sigur Ros, gladiators, coffee, being tipsy in the daytime and In N Out.

An amazing short writing by Rory Wood.
