Archive | February, 2011

Obsessions- New Sketchbook

27 Feb

I find that I am absolutely obsessed with horns, masks, animal skulls, snakes and demons/gods and what they represent…  so I began a new sketchbook to fill with just that. I wont post all of my sketches from this book as they are more personal than the rest. Also currently into:  Sigur Ros, gladiators, coffee, being tipsy in the daytime and In N Out.

An amazing short writing by Rory Wood.



random work..

25 Feb

Haven’t posted in a while. I have to keep talking myself out of deleting this whole blog because I just dont like the memory of past crap work.. But I think I am getting better and seeing the progress is the entire point so here’s some more recent stuff.. for now. x_X

On a side note: I have moved on past my comic art goal for now, it didn’t feel natural and I believe I am not technical enough for such grounds yet.  I do hope to one day return to the idea but for now admiring the works of a living art god, Mr Adam Hughes, shall suffice 🙂

Jan Sketch 2

envelope goddess
